Modifications Register
Reference | Title | Proposer | Date Raised | Live/Closed | Urgency | Self-Governance Status | Status | Next Process | Next Process Date |
IGT174 | Update of IGT UNC Code Communication Methods | BUUK | 21/11/2024 | Live | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Panel | Consultation Close | 16/12/2024 |
IGT173 | Gateway delivery for RPC Data | E.ON Next | 15/12/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | TBC |
IGT172 | Provision for Gas Entry within the IGT UNC | Barrow Shipping | 20/10/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT171 | Settlement Adjustments for Supply Meter Points impacted by the Central Switching System P1 Incident | SEFE | 25/09/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | 27/06/2024 |
IGT170 | Resolution of Missing Messages following Central Switching Service implementation and integration with REC Change R0067 | SEFE | 25/09/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT169 | Aligning the Capacity requirements for NExA Supply Points in the UNC with Capacity requirements for LDZ CSEP Ancillary Agreement (LCAA) Supply Points under the IGT UNC (i.e. bringing Code in line with UNC0701 and UNC0853) | MUA | 23/09/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT168 | Establishing/Amending a Gas Vacant Site Process | British Gas | 14/08/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | 07/11/2024 |
IGT167 | Alignment of the IGT UNC with UNC NGT Demand Side Response Arrangements | BUUK | 04/07/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT166 | Reporting Valid Confirmed Theft of Gas into the Central Systems and Reporting Suspected Theft to Suppliers | BUUK | 19/05/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT165 | Independent Shrinkage Expert and Independent Shrinkage Charge | OVO | 18/05/2023 | Live | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Allocated to Workgroup | Completion of Workgroup report | 10/08/2023 |
IGT164 | Alignment with DCP349 and Provision of Unsecured Credit | BUUK | 02/02/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT163 | Code Credit Rules housekeeping updates following IGT132VV approval | BUUK | 02/02/2023 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT162 | Appointment of CDSP as the Scheme Administrator for the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) for Domestic Gas Consumers (Gas) | BUUK | 13/10/2022 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT161 | Consequential IGT UNC changes for Switching SCR (REC 3.0) | Ofgem | 25/03/2022 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT160 | Introducing the concept of a derogation into the IGT UNC for innovation projects | Energy Assets | 16/02/2022 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT159V | Amendments to the Must Read Process | Centrica | 24/01/2022 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT158 | Transition to the Central Switching Service and the Retail Energy Code v3.0 | Energy Assets | 18/11/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT157 | Adding Local Authorities as a new User Type to the Data Permissions Matrix | Indigo Pipelines | 18/06/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT156 | Retail Code Consolidation SCR | Authority | 21/05/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT155 | Adding the Retail Energy Code Company as a new User type to the Data Permissions Matrix | BUUK | 07/05/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT154 | Introducing the concept of a derogation into the IGT UNC for Net Zero innovation project | Energy Assets Pipelines | 18/03/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT153 | Aligning the IGT UNC with licence changes following the UK leaving the EU | BUUK | 05/03/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT152F | Housekeeping Changes for IGT UNC | BUUK | 05/03/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT151 | Revisions to User Termination Provisions | Indigo Pipelines | 04/03/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT150F | Removal of reference to AIGT within the IGT UNC | BUUK | 29/01/2021 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT148 | Provision of Class 1 meter read service on IGT networks by the CDSP | ESPUG | 16/10/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT149U | (Urgent): Amending the Formula Year AQ approach for 2021/2 Formula Year | E.ON | 09/10/2020 | Closed | Urgent | Authority Decision | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT147 | Updating Specific Gender References to Neutral terms | E.ON | 24/09/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT146F | Introduction of references to incorporate the BEIS legislative changes made in the UNC | Lastmile | 18/09/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT145 | Transfer of Sites with Low Valid Meter Reading Submission Performance from Classes 2 and 3 into Class 4 | SSE | 21/08/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT144U | Ability to Reflect the Correct Customer Network Use and System Off take Quantity (SOQ) During COVID-19 | Gazprom | 15/05/2020 | Closed | Urgent | Authority Decision | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT143U | Use of the Isolation Flag to identify sites with abnormal load reduction during COVID-19 period | Gazprom | 06/05/2020 | Closed | Urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT142U | Allow Users to submit Estimated Meter Reading during COVID | Gazprom | 06/05/2020 | Closed | Urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT141U | Pipeline User submitted AQ Corrections during COVID-19 | Gazprom | 04/05/2020 | Closed | Urgent | Authority Decision | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT140 | Changes to the IGT Panel Rules | E.ON | 16/04/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT139 | Introducing a new User type to the IGT UNC and the Data Permissions Matrix of Electricity System Operator (ESO) | E.ON | 20/03/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT138V | Performance Assurance Techniques and Controls | Scottish Power | 19/02/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT137 | Alignment of the IGT UNC to the UNC in advance of Faster Switching | ESP | 19/02/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IND002F | Update Company Registered Address in Indigo Pipelines Individual Network Code | Indigo Pipelines | 22/01/2020 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT136 | Introducing ‘Performance Assurance Framework Administrator’ as a new user type to the Data Permissions Matrix | Shell Energy | 11/12/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT135 | Alignment of the IGT UNC Part K and the Data Permissions Matrix | Gazprom | 08/11/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT134 | Introducing ‘Research Body’ as a new user type to the Data Permissions Matrix and IGT UNC | Gazprom | 08/11/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
ENE002F | Changes to the Energetics Gas Limited Individual Network Code following a change to its registered Company Name | Energetics | 23/10/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT133 | Transition of IGT Theft Reporting into the IGT UNC | BU-UK | 14/10/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
QPL042 | Removal of Code Credit Rules from QPL Network Code | BU-UK | 11/10/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IPL042 | Removal of Code Credit Rules from IPL Network Code | BU-UK | 11/10/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT132VV | Introduction of IGT Code Credit Rules | BU-UK | 11/10/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT131 | Automatic updates to Meter Read Frequency | Total Gas and Power | 15/08/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT130 | Applying password protection encryption to electronic communication containing MPRNs | E.ON | 12/08/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT129 | Obligations on Shippers to pass Transporter compensation payments on to consumers, via Suppliers | BU-UK | 06/08/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
RG007 | Secure measures of sending electronic communication and password protection | E.ON | 15/06/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
IGT128 | Amendment of definitions in D1.2 | E.ON | 12/06/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT127 | Improvements to the quality of the Conversion Factor values held on the Supply Point Register | E.ON | 01/05/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT126F | Alignment between the IGT UNC and UNC for Unregistered New Supply Meter Points | BU-UK | 01/05/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT125F | Alignment of the Re-Establishment provisions between the IGT UNC and the UNC | BU-UK | 03/04/2019 | Closed | Urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT124 | Market Participant MDD Migration to UNC Governance from the SPAA | E.ON | 03/04/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT123F | Housekeeping Changes | BU-UK | 29/03/2019 | Closed | Urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT120F | Aligning the IGT UNC with licence changes following the UK leaving the EU with a ‘No deal’ | BU-UK | 25/03/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT122 | Amendment of the Data Permission Matrix to add Meter Asset Provider as a new User type | Scottish Power | 15/03/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
RG006 | Review of metering arrangements in the IGT UNC | E.ON | 12/03/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
IGT121 | Clarify IGT AQ Review Reporting Procedure | Indigo Pipelines | 06/02/2019 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
RG005 | IGT UNC Review of Consequential Changes resulting from Faster Switching arrangements | BUUK | 12/12/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
IGT119 | Opening Class 1 read services on IGT Meter Supply Points to Competition | ESPUG | 14/11/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Authority Decision | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT118 | Amendments to the IGT UNC Password Protection Protocols | E.ON | 12/10/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT117 | Introduction of winter read/consumption reports and associated obligations | Npower | 27/09/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT116 | Enabling permissions for the provision of information to Alt Han Company to support smart metering roll-out | E.ON | 05/09/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT115 | Update to IGT UNC to formalise the Data Permissions Matrix | Gazprom | 06/08/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Approved | N/A | N/A |
IGT114 | Extending the data available to Suppliers under K24.3(l) | Scottish Power | 12/07/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT111 | Updating of the IGT UNC data permissions | E.ON | 09/07/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT113 | Amendments to the CSEP NExA Table Ancillary Document and associated templates | BU-UK | 06/07/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT112 | Refinements to the RPC Template | E.ON | 04/07/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT110 | Mandating the provision of NDM sample data | E.ON | 03/05/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT109F | Amending the IGT UNC legal text to reflect changes to the UNC made by UNC632S | Centrica | 02/05/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
iGT108F | Updating references for UNC434 | E.ON | 14/03/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
RG004 – Review of IGT Governance and administration arrangements | Review of IGT Governance and administration arrangements | SSE | 01/03/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
iGT107F | Correcting the consumption adjustment reads within IGT UNC | BU-UK | 27/02/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
RG003 – Review of Data Permissions | RG003 – Review of Data Permissions | Xoserve | 22/02/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
iGT103 | Inclusion of reference within IGT UNC to UNC TPD Section G paragraph 2.12 – 2.14 inclusive – Meter Point Portfolio Reconciliation | ESPUG | 14/02/2018 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT106 | Provision of access to Domestic Consumer data for Suppliers | British Gas | 08/12/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT105 | Creating permissions for the CDSP to release data to Meter Asset Providers | E.ON UK | 06/12/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT104 | Permissions modification to allow the CDSP to release IGT supply point information under UNC MOD0520A | E.ON UK | 07/11/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT102 | Enduring solution for provisions that allow consecutive estimated invoicing in the event of System Failure by the CDSP | Brookfield Utilities | 10/08/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT101F | Amending IGT UNC legal text to reflect changes to the UNC made by UNC570 | Brookfield Utilities | 10/08/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT100 | Reinstating Asset Query Codes | E.ON UK | 13/06/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT099S | Transitional AQ arrangments for IGTs as a result of a delay in Nexus Implementation | ES Pipelines | 17/05/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT098F | Changes to the IGT UNC Code due to changes to the UNC Code | Brookfield Utilities | 03/04/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT097U | Provision for allowing consecutive estimated invoicing in the event of System Failure by the CDSP | Brookfield Utilities | 23/03/2017 | Closed | Urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT096F | Correction to the IGT083 legal text now IGT078/79 are complete | Brookfield Utilities | 17/03/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT095VV | Provision of access to Domestic Consumer data for Price Comparison Websites and Third Party Intermediaries | Brookfield Utilities | 02/02/2017 | Closed | Urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT094F | Amendments to file format types for IGT078 and IGT079 flows | British Gas | 13/01/2017 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT092A | Implementation of Non-Effective days for Project nexus Implementation, maintaining a minimum of two Supply Point System Business Days (Project Nexus transitional modification) | Npower | 20/12/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT093F | Changes to the CSEP NExA Tables Ancillary document to correct the effective dates on 2 of the tables | Indigo Pipelines | 14/12/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT092 | Implementation of Non Effective Days for Project Nexus Implementation (Project Nexus transitional modification) | ES Pipelines | 08/11/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT091S | Amending Rules for Appointing Pipeline User Representatives | ES Pipelines | 07/11/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT090F | Changes to the IGT039 legal textfollowing a review of UNC legal text | ES Pipelines | 28/10/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT089S | Revision to the Modification Rules in Response to CGR3 – Self Governance | ES Pipelines | 10/08/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT088S | Determining Implementation of Self Governance Modifications | ES Pipelines | 10/08/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT087S | Revision to the Modification Rules in Response to CGR3 – Significant Code Review Modifications | ES Pipelines | 10/08/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT086S | Central Data Service Provider – Implementing IGT UNC changes to support FGO | Brookfield Utilities | 06/07/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT085F | SSP Housekeeping Changes | Brookfield Utilities | 13/06/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
RG002 – Code Governance Review Phase 3 (CGR3) | RG002 – Code Governance Review Phase 3 (CGR3) | Authority | 23/05/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
IGT084S | Clarification on IGT RPC Invoice Template | ESP | 05/05/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
RG001 – Funding, Governance and Ownership (FGO) implications for the IGT UNC | RG001 – Funding, Governance and Ownership (FGO) implications for the IGT UNC | BU-UK | 16/03/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
IGT083S | Correction to PSR Process to Support SSP Arrangements | Brookfield Utilities | 08/03/2016 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT082S | IGT Single Service Provision, non-effective days for cutover in 2016 | Brookfield Utilities | 07/10/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT077S | Amendment of Portfolio Extract format in line with Single Service Provision | E.ON UK | 02/10/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT076S | Amendment of RPC format in line with Single Service Provision | E.ON UK | 02/10/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT081F | Correcting Incorrect Definition for Project Nexus Go Live Date | npower | 26/08/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT080S | Mandating IGT use of Xoserve Portfolio Data for Shipper Transportation Billing | SSE Supply | 11/06/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT079S | Adding Non-domestic New Connections Framework Ancillary Document | British Gas | 28/05/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT078S | Ancillary Document for the New Connections process | npower | 08/04/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT075S | Identification of Supply Meter Point pressure tier | E.ON UK | 06/02/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT074S | Amendment of Password Protection Ancillary document | E.ON UK | 05/02/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT073S | Consequential Changes to the ‘Pipeline Operator Standards of Service Query Management’ Ancillary Document | ESP | 15/01/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT072S | Non-Effective Days for Cutover to SSP | Brookfield Utilities | 09/01/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Deferred by Authority | Deferred by Authority | Deferred |
IGT071S | Updating the IGT AQ Review Procedures Ancillary Document | npower | 09/01/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT070S | Removal of Ancillary Documents following the implementation of SSP | E.ON UK | 07/01/2015 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT069S | The removal of K1.2(e)(ii) – use of Upstream System User agreements | ESP | 19/11/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT066 | Aligning UNC with Licence conditions relating to European legislative change and Alternative Modification Proposals | ESP | 07/08/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT068ANC | Minor change to IGT047 Ancillary Document – SMU file naming convention “Environment” | ESP | 05/08/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Ancillary Procedure (archaic) | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT067 | Update of references to the CSEP NExA Table within the iGT UNC | ESP | 05/08/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT065F | Update of T-PR-GT4 reference within the IGT Network Code | E.ON UK | 11/06/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT064 | Removal of Ancillary Document Self-Governance | ESP | 05/06/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT063 | Change to the IGT UNC Gas Day to align with the Gas Day in EU Network Codes | GTC | 05/06/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT062AA | Independent Secretariat Services for Modification Work Groups | GTC | 05/06/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT062A | Independent Secretariat Services for Modification Work Groups | ESP | 05/06/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT054AA | Alternative Profile for Pre-Payment Meters | ESP | 12/03/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT062 | Independent Secretariat Services for Modification Work Groups | SSE | 05/03/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT061F | Minor changes to Section L Mod Rules | E.ON UK | 05/03/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Fast Track | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT060 | CSEP NExA Update Following 2013 AQ Review | SSE | 03/02/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT059 | Supply Point Registration – Facilitation of Faster Switching | E.ON UK | 09/01/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT058S | Recognition of the ‘2nd January’ Scottish Bank holiday as a Business Day for Supply Point related transactions | SSE | 08/01/2014 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT057S | Creation of new Ancillary Document to reference historic version of the CSEP NExA Table | ScottishPower | 20/12/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Self-Governance | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT056 | UPRN Provision | E.ON UK | 03/10/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT055 | Single Meter Supply Points | ES Pipelines | 04/09/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT054A | Alternative Profile for Pre-Payment Meters (ALT) | E.ON UK | 17/07/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT054 | Alternative Profile for Pre-Payment Smart Meters | Utilita | 05/07/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT053 | Introduction of annual updates to the AQ values within the CSEP NExA table | RWE npower | 03/07/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT052 | Revision to the Modification Rules in Response to CGR2 | E.ON UK | 05/06/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT051ANC | Amendment of IGT AQ Review Procedures Document | IPL / QPL | 08/01/2013 | Closed | Non-urgent | Ancillary Procedure (archaic) | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT050A | Third Party Metering Activity and MAM ID Communication | GTC | 18/10/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT050 | IGT and Shipper Metering and Communications Ancillary Document | E.ON UK | 18/10/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT049 | AQ Review amendment to tolerance for SSP sites | RWE npower | 27/09/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT048 | Estimated Opening Meter Reads Code Amendment | RWE npower | 13/07/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT047 | Inclusion of data items relevant to smart metering into existing industry systems | ES Pipelines | 12/06/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT043VV | Consolidation and Alignment of IGT Invoicing | British Gas | 22/03/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT046 | Revision to the Modification Rules | E.ON UK | 01/02/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT045 | Meter Point Supply Pressure | E.ON UK | 01/02/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT043V | Consolidation and Alignment of IGT Invoicing | British Gas | 01/02/2012 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT044 | Password Protection Protocols for Sensitive Personal Data | E.ON UK | 07/12/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT043 | Consolidation and Alignment of IGT Invoicing | British Gas | 06/12/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT042 | EU 3rd Package – 21 day switching with fixed objection period | SSE | 09/11/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT041 | EU 3rd Package – 3 Week Switching | E.ON UK | 09/09/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT040V | Amendment to AQ Values present within the CSEP NExA Table | ScottishPower | 03/08/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT039 | Use of a Single Gas Transporter Agency for the common services and systems and processes required by the IGT UNC | E.ON UK | 01/08/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT038 | Periodic Annual Quantity Calculation (Rolling AQ) | E.ON UK | 28/07/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT037 | Inclusion of SPA Fax Forms into the ancillary Document | E.ON UK | 28/07/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT036 | Portfolio Extract Amendment Correction Factor | ScottishPower | 08/03/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT035 | Improving the availability of read history and Asset provision | ScottishPower | 02/03/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT034 | Designation of existing ‘AQ Procedures’ document as an Ancillary Document | ES Pipelines | 03/02/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT033 | Consider the duration of changes against wider industry developments | RWE npower | 03/02/2011 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT032 | Voluntary Withdrawal Process | E.ON UK | 24/09/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT027V | Inclusion of Last Valid Read and Read Date to Portfolio Extract | E.ON UK | 06/09/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT031V | Amendment to AQ Values present within the CSEP NExA Table to take account of revised Seasonal Normal Data | ScottishPower | 02/09/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT031 | Amendment to AQ Values present within the CSEP NExA Table to take account of revised Seasonal Normal Data | ScottishPower | 04/08/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT030 | Review of CSEP NExA AQ Table Values | ScottishPower | 04/08/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Review Closed | N/A | N/A |
IGT029 | IGT Meter Reading and Inspection File Naming Convention | British Gas | 03/08/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT028 | Remove the Must Read process for annually read sites | E.ON UK | 16/07/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT027 | Inclusion of Last Accepted Read and Read Date to Portfolio Extract | E.ON UK | 16/07/2010 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT026V | Password Protection Protocols | E.ON UK | 17/11/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT026 | Password Protection Protocols | E.ON UK | 14/10/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT025 | Window for Submitting Meter Readings | ScottishPower | 19/08/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGTRP009 | IGTRP009 – Removal of Metering Arrangements from the IGT UNC | E.ON | 06/04/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Approved | Consultation Close | N/A |
IGT024VV | Inspection Notification File Numbering – Sequential | ScottishPower | 16/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT024VAV | Inspection Notification File Numbering – Consecutive | E.ON UK | 16/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT024VA | Inspection Notification File Numbering – Consecutive | E.ON UK | 13/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT024V | Inspection Notification File Numbering – Sequential | ScottishPower | 12/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT024A | Inspection Notification File Numbering – Sequential | ScottishPower | 09/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT024 | Inspection Notification File Numbering – Consecutive | ScottishPower | 09/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT023 | Inspection Notification File Format | ScottishPower | 09/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT022 | Remove references to the “Metering Charges Statement” | E.ON UK | 04/03/2009 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT021 | Introduction of Credit Rules | GTC | 01/07/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT020 | Opening Reads Submission Window | E.ON UK | 17/04/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT015VV | Cyclic Meter Readings | ScottishPower | 04/03/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT013VV | Meter Inspection File Formats | ScottishPower | 04/03/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT019 | Panel Membership Rules | SSE | 13/02/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT018 | Mod Implementation Dates | ES Pipelines | 05/02/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT017 | Change Plan for IGT UNC Modifications | E.ON UK | 22/01/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT015V | Cyclic Meter Readings | ScottishPower | 22/01/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT013V | Meter Inspection File Formats | ScottishPower | 22/01/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT002VV | Portfolio Extract | ScottishPower | 11/01/2008 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT016 | Frequency of Cyclic Meter Readings | ScottishPower | 31/12/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT015 | Cyclic Meter Readings | ScottishPower | 31/12/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT014 | Meter Reading Validation Rules | ScottishPower | 31/12/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT013 | Meter Inspection File Formats | ScottishPower | 31/12/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT001VV | Standards of Service | ScottishPower | 08/11/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT001V | Standards of Service | ScottishPower | 07/11/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT012 | Meter Read Window | ScottishPower | 01/11/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT011 | Estimated Meter Reads | ScottishPower | 21/09/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT002V | Portfolio Extract | ScottishPower | 12/09/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |
IGT010 | 15 Day Modification Rule | RWE npower | 04/09/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT007V | RPC Invoice File Formats | E.ON UK | 23/08/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT009 | AQ Tables | IPL / QPL | 16/08/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT003V | AQ Tables | GTC | 15/08/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT008 | Ancillary Document | E.ON UK | 02/08/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT007 | RPC Invoice File Formats | E.ON UK | 31/07/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT006 | Estimated Transportation Invoices | ES Pipelines | 20/07/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Implemented | N/A | N/A |
IGT005 | AQ Review in line with UNC | ScottishPower | 09/07/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Rejected | N/A | N/A |
IGT004 | SPA File Formats | EDF Energy | 04/07/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT003 | AQ Tables | GTC | 04/07/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT002 | Portfolio Extract | ScottishPower | 05/06/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
IGT001 | Standards of Service | ScottishPower | 05/06/2007 | Closed | Non-urgent | Standard | Superseded by Variant | N/A | N/A |