IGT UNC Releases


Saturday 24th February 2024
Thursday 27th June 2024
Thursday 7th November 2024

Please note that the above 2024 release dates have been aligned where appropriate to the Xoserve 2024 release dates. Following the implementation of the Central Switching Service (CSS) all future Xoserve major releases are proposed to align with the Retail Energy Code (REC) Release Schedule, unless otherwise agreed by the Data Services Contract (DSC) Change Management Committee.


Thursday 7th November 2024

There are currently no changes scheduled for the November 2024 Release.

Please note that IGT168 – Establishing/Amending a Gas Vacant Site Process is currently targeted for the November 2024 Release, though its inclusion in this Release has not been formally agreed. Parties will be informed of the approved Release Date for IGT168 once confirmed.


Previous versions of the IGT UNC, Ancillary Documents or a full release history can be provided on request to the IGT UNC Code Administrator.

The IGT UNC was implemented on the 1st of May 2007 following designation by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority. The IGT UNC was implemented to streamline and harmonise the network code arrangements of the IGTs as much as possible. However, IGTs will still maintain their own network codes for those requirements that are not covered by the IGT UNC. If you require information or assistance in relation to the network code of an IGT please look under the IGT UNC and Related Documents tab. More information about the IGTs can be found in the ‘Who are the IGTs’ section of the website.

From this page you can download the latest version of the IGT UNC and the Transition Document.

Previous Releases:

Monday 12th August 2024 Extraordinary Release

Changes to IGT UNC v13.21 were implemented as follows:

IGT172 – Provision for gas entry within the IGT UNC

Please note that this was an Extraordinary Release of the IGT UNC.

Thursday 27th June 2024

Changes to IGT UNC v13.20 were implemented as follows:

IGT171 – Settlement Adjustments for Supply Meter Points impacted by the Central Switching System P1 Incident

Monday 29th April 2024

Changes to IGT UNC v13.19 were implemented as follows:

IGT169 – Aligning the Capacity requirements for NExA Supply Points in the UNC with Capacity requirements for LDZ CSEP Ancillary Agreement (LCAA) Supply Points under the IGT UNC (i.e. bringing Code in line with UNC0701 and UNC0853)

Please note that this was an Extraordinary Release of the IGT UNC.

Saturday 24th February 2024

Changes to IGT UNC v13.18 were implemented as follows:

IGT159V – Amendments to the Must Read Process.

Changes were also made to the CSEP NExA Tables Ancillary Document, which were uplifted to version 1.9.

18th December 2023 Extraordinary Release

Changes to IGT UNC v13.19 were implemented as follows:

IGT170 – Resolution of Missing Messages following Central Switching Service implementation and integration with REC Change R0067.

Please note that this was an Extraordinary Release of the IGT UNC.

19th September 2023 (Extraordinary Release)

Changes to IGT UNC v13.16 were implemented as follows:

IGT166 – Reporting Valid Confirmed Theft of Gas into Central Systems and Reporting Suspected Theft to Suppliers.

Please note that this was an Extraordinary Release of the IGT UNC.

31st August 2023 (Extraordinary Release)

Changes to IGT UNC v13.15 were implemented as follows:

IGT167 – Alignment of the IGT UNC with UNC NGT Demand Side Response Arrangements

Please note that this was an Extraordinary Release of the IGT UNC.

29TH JUNE 2023

Changes to IGT UNC v13.14 were implemented as follows:

IGT132VV – Introduction of IGT Code Credit Rules

IGT163 – Code Credit Rules housekeeping updates following IGT132VV approval

IGT164 – Alignment with DCP349 and Provision of Unsecured Credit

IPL042 – Removal of Code Credit Rules from IPL Network Code

QPL042 – Removal of Code Credit Rules from QPL Network Code

1st April  2023 (Extraordinary Release)

Changes to be implemented into IGT UNC v13.13 as follows:

IGT148 – Provision of Class 1 meter read service on IGT networks by the CDSP

Please note that this is an Extraordinary Release of the IGT UNC.

24th February 2023

Changes were implemented into IGT UNC v13.12 as follows:

IGT145 – Transfer of Sites with Low Valid Meter Reading Submission Performance from Classes 2 and 3 into Class 4

Changes were also made to the CSEP NExA Tables Ancillary Document, which will be uplifted to version 1.8.

15th December 2022

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.11 as follows:

IGT162 – Appointment of CDSP as the Scheme Administrator for the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) for Domestic Gas Consumers (Gas)

This Extraordinary Release was scheduled to ensure that the provisions in the IGT162 Legal Drafting were implemented as soon as possible following Authority Approval.

1st November 2022

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.10 as follows:

IGT160 – Introducing the concept of a derogation into the IGT UNC for innovation projects

IGT138V – Performance Assurance Techniques and Controls

Please note that the Release Date for the November 2022 Release has been changed from 4th November to 1st November. This change of release date was agreed by Panel at its September 2022 meeting.

18th July 2022 (Extraordinary Release)

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.9 Extraordinary Release as follows:

IGT161 – Consequential IGT UNC changes for Switching SCR (REC 3.0)

This Extraordinary Release was scheduled to ensure that the provisions in the IGT161 Significant Code Review (SCR) Modification were implemented in line with the release of Retain Energy Code (REC) version 3.0 and the go-live of the Central Switching Service (CSS).

27th April 2022 (Extraordinary Release)

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.8 extraordinary release as follows:

IGT158 – Transition to the Central Switching Service and the Retail Energy Code v3.0

This extraordinary release was scheduled to ensure that the transitional arrangements approved as part of IGT158 were in place prior to the implementation of version 3.0 of the REC and CSS go-live.

Friday 25th February 2022

No Legal text changes were to be implemented into the IGT UNC as part of this Code release therefore, the current version 13.7.1 remains in place.

The February 2022 release only implemented changes to the CSEP NExA Tables Ancillary Document, which has now been uplifted to version 1.7.

Wednesday 1st September 2021 (v13.7)

Revised 19th October 2021 (v13.7.1)

Change implementation record added into IGT UNC v13.7.1 (19th October 2021)

IGT157 – Adding Local Authorities as a new User Type to the Data Permissions Matrix

This record makes no amendments to the legal drafting of the IGT UNC or associated ancillary documents.

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.7 release as follows:

IGT156 – Retail Code Consolidation SCR

This change incorporates changes to the Code which include;

Metering Arrangements
Retail Code Consolidation
Cross Code Steering group

This has been implemented following the designation of REC V2.

Friday 25th June 2021

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.6 release as follows:

IGT150F – Removal of reference to AIGT within the IGT UNC
IGT151 – Revisions to User Termination Provisions
IGT152F – Housekeeping Changes for IGT UNC
IGT153 – Aligning the IGT UNC with licence changes following the UK leaving the EU

Ancillary Document changes to be implemented;

  • Pipeline Operator Standards of Service Query Management – Operational Guidelines v2.6

Friday 26th February 2021

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.5 release as follows:

IGT130 – Applying password protection encryption to electronic communication
IGT147 – Updating Specific Gender References to Neutral terms

Ancillary Document changes to be implemented;

  • CSEP NExA Table – v1.6
  • Password Protection Protocols

18th November 2020 (Extraordinary Release)

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.4 extraordinary release as follows:

IGT135 – Alignment of the IGT UNC Part K and the Data Permissions Matrix
IGT146F – Introduction of references to incorporate the BEIS legislative changes made in the UNC

This extraordinary release has been scheduled to align with the implementation of UNC0697VS (Alignment of the IGT UNC Part K and the Data Permissions Matrix).

6th November 2020

No Legal text changes were to be implemented into the IGT UNC November Code release, therefore, the current version v13.3 remains in place.

Friday 24th July 2020 (extraordinary release)

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.3 extraordinary release as follows:

IGT134 – Introducing ‘Research Body’ as a new user type to the Data Permissions Matrix and IGT UNC
IGT137 – Alignment of the IGT UNC to the UNC in advance of Faster Switching

This extraordinary release has been scheduled to align with the implementation of UNC0708 (Re-ordering of the UNC in advance of Faster Switching).

Friday 26th June 2020

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.2 as follows:

IGT133 – Transition of IGT Theft reporting Into the IGT UNC
IGT136 – Introducing ‘Performance Assurance Framework Administrator’ as a new user type to the Data Permissions Matrix
IGT139 – Introducing a New User type to the IGT UNC and the Data Permissions Matrix of Electricity System Operator (ESO)
IND002F – Update Company Registered Address in Indigo Pipelines Individual Network Code

The following versions were changed in line with IND002F:

  • Indigo Pipelines Independent Network Code V4.1

Wednesday 20th May 2020 (extraordinary release)

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13.1 extraordinary release as follows:

IGT142U – Allow Users to submit Estimated Meter Reading during COVID
IGT143U – Use of the Isolation Flag to identify sites with abnormal load reduction during COVID-19 period

Friday 28th February 2020 

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v13 as follows:

IGT124 – Market Participant MDD Migration to UNC Governance from the SPAA
IGT129 – Obligations on Shippers to pass Transporter compensation payments on to consumers, via Suppliers

The following versions were changed in line with IGT124:

  • Standard of Service v2.5 – Changes made via IGT124 in relation to references to SPAA MDD to Market Participant Identities List in UNC.
  • IGT Transportation Changes Invoice v1.4 – Changes to the IGT Transportation Charges Invoice Backing Data Format and Completion Rules section to include ‘Market Participant identities List in UNC
  • Project Summary Notification (PS2) v1.5 – Changes related to IGT124
  • Project Summary Report (PS1) v1.6 – Changes related to IGT124
  • CSEP NExA Table – v1.5

Friday 8th November 2019

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v12 as follows:

IGT126F – Alignment between the IGT UNC and UNC for Unregistered New Supply Meter Points

IGT128 – Amendment of definitions in D1.2

Friday 28th June 2019

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v11 as follows:

IGT112 -Refinements to the RPC Template
IGT118V – Amendments to the IGT UNC Password Protection Protocols
IGT121 – Clarify IGT AQ Review Reporting Procedure
IGT122 – Amendment of the Data Permission Matrix to add Meter Asset Provider as a new User type
IGT123F – Housekeeping Changes
IGT125F – Alignment of the Re-Establishment provisions between the IGT UNC and the UNC

Ancillary Document changes due for implementation;

  • IGT CSEP NExA Table Review Procedure v1.7
  • IGT Password Protection Protocols v4.0
  • IGT Transportation Charges Invoice Template Document v1.3
  • Standards of Service Query Management Document v2.4
  • IGT Non-Domestic New Connections Ancillary Document v 1.1
  • IGT Domestic New Connections Ancillary Document v 1.3

Friday 1st March  2019

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v10.9 as follows:

IGT110V – Mandating the provision of NDM sample data
IGT113V – Amendments to the CSEP NExA Table Ancillary Document and associated templates
IGT116V – Enabling permissions for the provision of information to Alt Han Company to support smart metering roll-out

Ancillary Document changes implemented;

  • CSEP NExA Table – v1.4
  • IGT AQ Review procedures document v1.6

9th November 2018

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v10.8 as follows:

IGT102 – Enduring solution for provisions that allow consecutive estimated invoicing in the event of System Failure by the CDSP
IGT109F – Amending the IGT UNC legal text to reflect changes to the UNC made by UNC632
IGT111 – Updating of the IGT UNC data permissions
IGT115 – Update to IGT UNC to formalise the Data Permissions Matrix

29th June 2018

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v10.7 as follows:

IGT103 – Inclusion of reference within IGT UNC to UNC TPD Section G paragraph 2.12 – 2.14 inclusive – Meter Point Portfolio Reconciliation
IGT107F – Correcting the consumption adjustment reads within IGT UNC
IGT108F – Updating references for UNC434

10th April 2018

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v10.6 as follows:

IGT106 – Provision of access to Domestic Consumer data for Suppliers

22nd March 2018

Changes implemented into IGT UNC v10.5 as follows:

IGT104 – Permissions modification to allow the CDSP to release IGT supply point information under UNC MOD0520A
IGT105 – Creating permissions for the CDSP to release data to Meter Asset Providers

23rd February 2018

No Legal text changes were to be implemented into the IGT UNC February Code release, therefore, the current version v10.4 remained in place.